Tuesday, May 5, 2015

We love Spring! Ms Laree and Ms Gillian's 3's class

Our theme a few weeks back was all about flowers and plants.  We learned about the life cycle of a plant and what the plant needs to grow.  We studied the different parts of a plant as well.  We made a sticky table with contact paper.  The kids were able to create their own flowers complete with seeds and roots.
Just the other day I made a picture of a flower (just the petals) and I asked the kids what else it needed. Two of the students said it needed seeds and roots.  I loved that they remembered what we had talked about.

sticky table

Name practice

Name practice

creating flower arrangements at the sensory bin


more flowers (:

Many flowers to choose from

The Handwriting Without Tears program uses hands on learning to create letters using lines and curves.
learning how to create the letter W

everyone makes the letter W

working hard
We talked about the different parts of a plant/flower.  The students had all the parts and used them to build a flower.

Fun with art creating yellow sunflowers!

Beautiful centerpiece for the table!

These kids all worked together to build this alphabet puzzle.  Teamwork!

Handprint tulips! The kids all giggle when we paint their hands!

Here we have tulip math.  The kids worked on number order.

In science we planted grass seed.  Everyone helped sprinkle in seeds.  We watered it everyday.  Last week it had grown so tall we were able to take turns cutting it with scissors!!

These kids have grown so much this year! I am so grateful for the opportunity to have been their teacher.  They will all be superstars in pre-k next year! (:

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