Wednesday, November 2, 2016

In the Ocean Room with Ms. Suzi

Happy Halloween!  We've had so much fun with the holiday this year.  It was even more fun that the kids LOVE to dress up and play pretend with our dramatic play buckets every day!  Halloween day wasn't much different than our class on a normal day with all the costumes.  It makes learning even more fun!! Take a look and see.

Tools and construction dramatic play.

Doctors and Nurses dramatic play.

Helping to find the hurt animals on the zoo map.

All healthy!

 We had a firefighter visit and teach us about fire safety.
Pajama day! 

Crazy hair day!

Princesses and pirates dramatic play.

Math small group.  Even purple hair doesn't keep us from learning together

Ok Doc - let's make a treasure map. X marks the spot!


Super heroes, Olaf, dinosaurs, princesses, astronauts, skeletons, and more!  We scared away all the creepy monsters!
Cookie decorating.  Great fine motor skill icing the cookies. And delicious too!
Fun photo booth!

Batman rocks!
Hammering tees into a pumpkin.  Fun hand-eye coordination practice.
Ooey gooey monster slime for our science experiment!

H is for Halloween...and Hearts!  Working on our scissor skills cutting out hearts!
Super heroes dramatic play.

We made a gigantic spider web!  Great teamwork!!
What's inside a pumpkin? Did you know this is a sensory activity?  Who wants to get their hands in there?
We paint with various mediums.  Today is was an egg carton shaped like a bat and a paintbrush. 

This time we "painted" with shaving cream and glue paint!  We used popsicle sticks and our fingers.  It dries puffy!

Who's under there?

Create a jack-o-lantern any way you want!
Can you make a spider with a donut and pretzels?

We couldn't do it all without our fabulous parents and grandparents who get their kids to school everyday well fed, well rested and ready to learn!  Thank you parents for sharing in our spooky celebration!!

Happy Halloween!!

1 comment:

  1. Miss Suzi,
    Adorable! So nice to see pictures of the kiddos having fun while learning. We appreciate all your hard work!!!
