Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Mrs. Nettie's Pre-K Afternoon Class

 Well it's here... The holidays are approaching quickly and we are so excited to prepare for that special day. We have had a visitor join us this month called "Snowflake". He is our little invisible elf that takes note of our behavior and has been very pleased to see that we are all doing AWESOME :o) We also discovered that Christmas is not the only holiday in December. The children have learned that Hanukkah and Kwanzaa are also holidays celebrated in the month of December. 

Along with holiday preparation we have been working hard on letter identification and letter sounds.  The children enjoyed creating their own ladybug which represented the letter "L". Our Lovely Ladybugs helped us introduce describing words such as: spotted, big, dotted, red, pretty, aphid eating etc... We learned that a lady bug has six legs which is different then a spider with eight legs. 

We use many fun activities to continue review of all the letters we learned. 

Along with printing practice the children created a pattern in the form of the letter "M" using dot paint and stickers. 

Meet "Missy Mouse" one of the characters from Zoo-Phonics. The children had a wonderful time inventing Missy Mouse out of the letter "M". The funniest part of this activity was when I showed the class the example and asked, "guess what we are making today?" One little student got so excited and shouted out, "a chinchilla." So Mrs. Lisa pulled up a picture of a chinchilla and it looked very similar to Missy Mouse. We learned a new word that day :o)

Congratulations to all of Totspot Preschool doing an AMAZING job on  the Christmas program. The children sang with such excitement and expression. It was a beautiful performance!

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