Our pet guinea pig Radar has been a huge success with the kiddos again this year. They always make sure to go over to say hello to him when they arrive in class and often goodbye before they leave for the day, but they love nothing more than feeding him some tasty hay and apples!
We have covered all sorts of fun units over the past few weeks but the favorite to date seemed to be the 'my body' week. The children loved learning all about their bodies while doing fun and often messy activities (messier the better with my 3 year old class :) ) . We heard lots of giggling throughout this week especially when they all had a turn of the body part suit and while doing the skeleton dance! They were learning about their brain, lungs, heart, bones... While doing this unit we made mat man during our handwriting without tears time which was such a huge hit I am asked at least once a week from one or more of the kids to do it again they LOVE it!
Over all we have had an AMAZING first few weeks of school, I cant wait to see what the rest of the year brings :) I love my little 3 year olds :)
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