Sunday, January 25, 2015

A Day in the Ocean Room

with Ms. Suzi & Ms. Debbie

SH sound blend week

Welcome and Free Play - Sensory table, playdough, dramatic play and anything they want to explore in the classroom.

We love to greet our friends and play!  Of course, we camouflage a little learning in there too.

Sensory Bin Washing Shells
The students love to play in the sensory bin.  It's full of new surprises every week!
Exploring our new pet tadpoles.  They come in each day and look to see if they have legs and have turned into frogs yet.
Sharing Blocks
Shape Puzzles
Centers - more activities to teach the Sh sound.  Includes math, language, science and art every day!
Painting and lacing Shells
Ships - do they float?  Yes!!
Shaving Dad!  You can't see him, but dad is under all the shaving cream!
Fingerprint Sheep
Clean Up/Jobs/Snack time - every child picks a job to do. They love to help in the classroom - washing tables, taking care of the class pets, passing our pencils, ringing the bell and sweeping the floor are just a few of the many responsibilities these kids have in our classroom.  They do such a great job!!
Washing Tables

Snack time! 
Calendar time, Handwriting and Small Groups
Small group math -
Measuring and comparing Shoe sizes of everyone in our classroom. 
Who has the biggest?  Who's shoe is the smallest?
Small group literacy experience.  Small group learning is so great with these kids!  They love to participate in reading a book.  Where is the title? Who can find the alphabet letters?  What comes next?  How do you think it will end?

We are learning musical patterns.  We love to sing, play instruments and create music with Ms. Kim!
Show and Tell Fridays - bring something from home that begins with our letter or sound blend.  They are getting really great at public speaking by using big voices, speaking to their audience and describing their item.  The kids love this part of class. 
Millennium Falcon Ship 
Whole Group ending activity - we try to find time at the end of class to read a story, play a game or do a gross motor movement activity to end our day. 
As you can see, our days in the Ocean Room are full of fun, learning, exploration and discovery!

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