Friday, September 26, 2014

Fall & Apple Week

Apple Week in the AM 2's Class!

We have had a wonderful first quarter of school.  I truly cannot believe the time has gone so quickly.  We were excited to start into our Fall themes this week with Apples and talking about our Five Senses.  We will continue with Five Senses after Fall break with Fall smells, textured leaves, sensory play-doh, etc.

The kids are getting great at sitting for circle time, We have gone through ALL of our ZooPhonics now, though we will continue focusing on two each week throughout the year.  Remember that YouTube is a great resource for helping them do ZooPhonics at home and for parents to learn them.
We got some "dobbers" this week in our classroom, the kids love the new way to decorate their projects.
This one was just too cute not to put up here!

The kids helped us turn a crank to peel and slice apples, then we put them in a crock pot and smelled the yummy smell all during class.  We sent some home to taste at the end of the week.

apples (approximately 10 medium)
water (1 cup)
sugar (1/2 cup)
cinnamon (1 teaspoon)
measuring cups and utensils
plastic knife
knife (for adult use)
potato masher

You can make this at home for your kids if you like.  It makes the house really smell like Fall, even though it does not feel like it outside yet.  The kids can even help you cut some with a plastic knife, and once it has cooked for about 3 hours on High in the Crockpot and cooled for an hour or so they can help to mash it with the potato masher.
We also made some very fun Apple crafts.  Here is one involving lots of glue and a little bit of jello powder to make a "smelly apple."  According to the kids, "it smells like candy!" 

Have a Happy and Safe Fall Break!

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