Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Ms. Gretchen's 3 year olds are really learning!!

We have been learning so much in our classroom! We recently learned all about Apples and it
was so much fun!
For Science, we studied and compared different kinds of apples. We cut them open to look at and count how many seeds were in each apple.....and then we planted them!
This gave us the chance to talk about the life cycle of an Apple Tree. We talked about how it grows and we even got to see a real Apple Tree branch full of beautiful spring blossoms and learned that the blossoms will grow and eventually turn into apples!
For Math, we counted and sorted with different colors of "apples" (pom poms) and matched up the number of Apples to the number in the muffin tin.
For Art, we turned our apples into stamps and stamped on paper. We also used the dot markers, which is a favorite for everyone.
We loved our homemade play-doh and worked hard making round "apples" and placed them on the apple trees.
For Handwriting, we practiced letter A and the students did wonderful!
Meet our new pet fish in our Ocean classroom. The students are thinking about a name for our new friend.

I hope you enjoyed just a little information about what we have been doing and learning about in our class. We have so much fun while learning.

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